Graduate students
I am currently recruiting an MS student. Graduate students join the lab through either the Masters or Doctoral graduate programs offered by the Department of Biology. Upon applying to the programs, applicants must identify an individual that will serve as their major adviser. Please first spend time reading our research and papers before deciding if you want to apply to one of the programs and join the lab. Email Morgan with your interests and goals, why you want to join this lab, a CV, and the contact info of one or two references.
Postdoctoral researchers
Hopefully soon we will have available funds for a postdoc position. Until then, we are happy to help you develop your ideas for applications to funding sources. Please email Morgan with your interests and how they align with the lab, your career goals, what you expect from your experience in our lab, a CV, and the contact info of two or three references.
Undergraduate researchers
Undergraduate postions are on a first-come, first-basis. Priority is given to students who can spend at least 1 year working in the lab and have at least 10 hours of availability a week. Please email Morgan with your interests and goals, CV, and availability.